How could data play a bigger role in tackling environmental problems in cities like Hong Kong? Prof. Rolien Hoyng from the CUHK School of Journalism and Communication and the Internet Society of Hong Kong are organising a free online webinar this week discussing the role of data in tackling the environmental problems that cities like Hong Kong are facing.
The event explores how better access to, and use of, data can contribute to social innovation and awareness of environmental threats such as pollution and waste. And asks questions such as what kinds of data would be necessary and what can be done with them? What can Open Data mean for stakeholders such as environmental NGOs and how can they push for it? Opening up access to environmental data is a topic of a lot of interest for concerned and engaged citizens such as ourselves, and we’ve previously written about the issue when the Hong Kong government was carrying out information gathering seminars on the issue.
CivicSight Co-Founder Scott Edmunds will be one of the speakers covering the power of citizen-collected data from crowdsourced mosquito detection projects. This work came from a hackathon co-organised by our previous incarnation as Open Data Hong Kong, and lead to the formation of CitizenScience.Asia.

Other speakers include Prof. Daisy Tam talking about HK foodworks, Prof. Wilson Lu on his research on Hong Kong Construction Waste, and Wendell Chan on the ‘How green is LegCo’ project.
You can register to attend the free seminar via this googleform, and the details of the event are as follows.
Date: 23 October, 2020 (Friday)
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Venue: Online meeting room
UPDATE 26/10/20: Watch the archived Facebook live stream here: