There ain’t no party like an open data party!
Come along to Delaney’s Wan Chai to help ODHK celebrate our second birthday. For our 27th ODHK meet we will celebrate our second anniversary, looking forward to the year ahead, and as well as looking back at the highlights of the last 12 months. We’ll have a have lots of topical things to showcase in our overview of the year (Budget! New Data.Gov.HK portal!), but come expecting cake, drinks, a open data pub quiz, merriment and more. See the pics of last years event to get an idea of what to expect.
Tuesday 31st March 2015
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- Location: Delaney’s Wan Chai, One Capital Place, 18 Luard Road Wan Chai.
- 灣仔盧押道18號海德中心地下及1字樓, Wan Chai
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