About us

About Us

CivicSight was launched in April 2020, coming together from Open Data Hong Kong (established March 2013) and AccessInfoHK (established May 2015), a portal to help the Hong Kong public access public data. Together we formed CivicSight, a platform to increase access to public data and to support people to make sense of the information they receive. CivicSight is registered as a charity in the United States and housed within the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice at Fordham Law School.

We are excited to be part of a robust community that believes in sharing data to nurture innovation and improve our lives. Building from Open Data Hong Kong’s facilitation of over 50 meetups, hackathons and conferences our outreach has engaged thousands of data professionals and members of the Hong Kong public, getting them excited about the power of data. It engaged with the Hong Kong Government, and educated the public with the publication of opinion articles in the media and peer reviewed policy research. We are linked and engaged with international Open Data networks and are a local group of the Open Knowledge Foundation International Network.

What We Do

To improve governance and support the public in shaping their future, CivicSight equips researchers, advocates and broader civil society with access to reliable information and data, original research, and policy analysis.

We Do This By

Incubating projects that bring together data and transparency to expand and improve the civic space in Asia. Please contact us if you have a project that you think will fit with our mission and vision and we can see how we can explore how we work together.


Piya Muqit


Piya Muqit自1997起投身人權事業,是诉诸司法權利的專家。她曾於英國、美國、法國、孟加拉及香港等地工作,先後任職聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)英國分部的英國政策負責人,以及非牟利組織Justice Centre Hong Kong的執行董事。
她分別於倫敦政經學院及倫敦大學亞非學院獲得法律碩士學位,另於倫敦國王學院獲頒兒童研究碩士學位。她同時是蘇格蘭大律師公會及英格蘭及威爾士大律師公會的成員,分別於蘇格蘭出庭律師協會以及倫敦Doughty Street Chambers大律師事務所及Garden Court Chambers大律師事務所完成實習訓練。

Scott Edmunds博士

Scott Edmunds博士


Scott擁有分子病理學研究背景及博士學位,兼具開放取用(Open Access)出版領域的經驗。他目前從事繁殖研究及科學資訊出版項目,包括任職GigaScience主編。

Scott涉獵開放科學、公衆科學(citizen science)及群衆外包(crowdsourcing)等項目,見證了及時發佈科學數據的益處,因此他致力於推廣、助力及分享他在這方面的專長。

作爲公衆科學機構 Bauhinia GenomeCitizenScience.Asia的創辦人之一,他同時在香港大學教授數據管理及策劃。




數據科學家傅明谷在牛津大學獲得數學學士學位,并在英國華威大學獲得統計學碩士及博士學位。在香港大學公共衛生學院擔任博士研究生期間,他從事季節性流感陽性率建模及實驗設計的工作。離開香港大學後,他致力於協助科創公司、企業及非牟利組織推動數據科學及工程項目。他也是 d5.ai數據科學合作計劃的一員。

Jade Anderson

Jade Anderson


Jade Anderson目前在澳洲國立大學攻讀人文學哲學博士學位。她自2002年起從事基於人權的發展工作,服務阿富汗、巴基斯坦、印度、南非及香港等本地及國際非牟利組織,以及為澳洲聯合國難民署(UNHCR)工作。她獲得應用人類學及參與式發展碩士學位以及國際發展碩士學位。

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